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YO3KPA anniversary diploma

   In 1950, the YO3KPA callsign assigned to the National Children's Palace was authorized. At first, it operated in the headquarters of the building on Cotroceni Hill (the current presidential residence). Since 1985, it has been located in the building near the Parcul Tineretului in Bucharest. At first it was coordinated by Mr. Batraneanu Nicolae YO3CB, then by Mr. Dinca Nicolae YO3ND, and today by Mr. Dinca Daniel Florin YO3GOD.

   During these many years, there has been a permanent center here where numerous and talented specialists in the field of telecommunications and electronics have grown, many of whom have received calls for amateur radio.
   The established diploma has three classes and is awarded annually under the following conditions:
   Bronze for 50 points,
   Silver for 60 points
   Gold for all necessary points (73 in 2023)

   In the following years, 74, 75, 76 etc. will have to be made, respectively number of years from the establishment. The points are awarded for QSOs made in the authorized bands of amateur radio. Thus, for a connection with the YO3KPA station, 10 points can be obtained. Also 10 points are obtained if you work with contest call of the club at the National Children's Palace (YP3A).
   The callsign of the stations that belong to those who were members of YO3KPA or as members who are more than 20 years and award 5 points: YO3ND, YO3GOD , YO3JW, YO3AV, N2GM,  YO3HOT, N2YO, YO3FLR, YO3JR, YO3JOS, YO3XX, K1GJY, YO3GMK,  YO9GZU, YO3GW, YO3HA, ON4HKW, YO3JOT, YO3IOT.
   The callsign of the current members of the club at the National Children's Palace offer 3 points: YO3IFX, YO3IGB, YO3IJF, YO3IJG, YO3IJH, YO3IJI, YO3ILR, YO9IMB, YO3IMC, YO3IMD, YO3INN, YO3IPG, YO3IPH, YO3ARH, YO3SRP, YO3IQK, YO3IVN, YO3IVO, YO3IVP, YO3IVQ, YO3IVR, YO3IVS, YO3IWD, YO3GRU, YO3JAE, YO3JAF, YO3JAG. YO3JAK, YO3JAL, YO3ACB, YO3ACN, YO3ZTZ, YO3MSL, YO3SEF, YO3UTU, YO3YKT. 
   Several points can be obtained, for QSOs made on different days, different bands or different working modes: CW, PH, DG (all digital modes count as one), according to the above scores.
   For those who activate and gives points, it is necessary to make at least 100 QSOs for the bronze class diploma, 300 QSOs for the silver class diploma and 500 QSOs for the gold class diploma.
   The QSOs made in the calendar year are valid. 71 points for 2021, 72 points for 2022, 73 for 2023 etc.
   The diploma is distributed free of charge in electronic format. Requests / log of worked stations (GCR) must be sent to: Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea.


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