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Being inspired by his amateur colleagues in the UK, Horia YO3IMD (M0UNU) came up with the idea to organise a special event station (SES) over the festive period of Winter Holidays using the callsign YP2017HNY. Celebrating the New Year (HNY-Happy New Year!), the YP3A team, including children as young as 7 was active using this callsign between 20th Dec 2016 and 20th January 2017 and despite the poor propagation we had more than 2000 QSOs. Also, a number of 1000 QSL cards were designed and created for us by Nasko LZ1YE from www.QSLprint.com and sent all over the world. We worked a considerable amount of DX, including Japan, Australia, US, Canada, Caribbean, etc. The special call was a real success and we planned to organise it in 2017-2018 again.






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